Heart of Texas Scoping and Proofreading

Cost Benefit Analysis

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Why Use a Scopist?
Make More with a Scopist

3D dollar sign

A busy reporter can make more money working with a scopist.  Here is an example:

Reporter A (with scopist)
Day 1
Appearance Fee____________$75.00
200 pages @
$3 per page______________ $600.00
Less $1.00 per
page scoping_____________$200.00
Day 2
Appearance Fee___________$75.00
200 pages @
$3 per page_____________$600.00
Less $1 per
page scoping____________$200.00
Gross Income___________$950.00                      

Reporter B (without scopist)
Day 1
Appearance Fee      $75.00
200 pages @
$3 per page          $600.00
Day 2
Scoping own work
Off Calendar

Second day, Reporter A goes on to take another job and Reporter B is scoping his or her own work, so Reporter A makes $950 (plus the tax deduction of $400) for the two days, and Reporter B makes $675.  Reporter A makes $275 more than Reporter B, plus the scopist is tax-deductible.  So a busy reporter can actually be losing money if not using scoping services.
(All of the above numbers are purely examples and, obviously, for those reporters who don't have the workload to support this volume, these will not apply.)

3D dollar sign
